Tools Used To Help Us Better Understand Objects

April 5, 2022 - Reading time: 3 minutes

The world around us is being understood at a deeper and deeper level in so many different ways. As we start to break down particles and molecules at a smaller level, we are getting to grips with the makeup of different objects and how they are composed, as well as what they are made up of. This information tells us so much about the world around us that it would have once been impossible to determine and highly difficult to get to grips with. 

Of course, the ability to better understand objects is highly useful for the general development of human knowledge, but it also means that we are going to be able to better develop things in the manufacturing process, and this can be used in plenty of different fields including healthcare. The ability to understand objects is done through the use of modern tools. More and more of these are being developed all the time. In the following sections, a closer look will be taken at some of these tools and the impact that they had on past, present, and future understanding of objects, exactly what they are composed of, and much, much more.


At the layman’s level, many people think of a microscope as being one that is put on a desk and used in high school science experiments. However, there is no doubt that this only scratches the surface of what is possible, and there are more and more powerful versions of this simple starting point that allow a closer and closer look at the molecules that make up a particular object. Of course, power is something that increases significantly with time, research, and development, all of which have been done to a significant degree with microscopes. 

Particle Size Analyzer 

These are being used to a greater and greater degree in the world of healthcare as they are particularly important in pharmacy and the manufacturing process of new medicines, which is becoming more advanced and developed than ever before.

X-Ray Diffractometers 

These pieces of equipment are highly advanced and being developed by the likes of Ultimately, these can be used in a vast array of different environments, including many universities and research facilities. The process of x-raying objects is one that has been around for a long time, but at the same time, it is also something that has become more and more advanced over recent months and years. 

Molecular Machine 

Finally, we have the molecular machines that are commonly used and come in the form of artificial and biological. Both of them have their specific uses and can tell us a lot more about different objects.

These are just a few of the pieces of equipment that allow us to understand objects at a deeper and deeper level. There is no doubt that more will be developed over the coming months and years as we seek to develop an even deeper understanding of the world around us.

By James Daniels: 

James Daniels is a freelance writer, business enthusiast, a bit of a tech buff, and an overall geek. He is also an avid reader, who can while away hours reading and knowing about the latest gadgets and tech, whilst offering views and opinions on these topics.

Top 5 Luxury Cars You Can Rent And Test In Dubai

February 23, 2022 - Reading time: 3 minutes

Sometimes we want to drive a luxury car and live in premium apartments. It's great that today we have a wonderful opportunity not to buy but rent and try all these.

Everyone knows that the UAE is famous for its high-class service, luxury cars on the roads, and the most expensive hotels. Visiting Dubai is a dream of many. By the way, most of the tourists believe that this dream is unattainable and a trip to this beautiful country requires a huge amount of money.

It's definitely not the cheapest tourist destination. However, there are numerous ways to travel to Dubai on a budget and, at the same time, experience all the luxuries this metropolis has to offer.

In this article, we will talk about luxury car rental Dubai. We are going to show you the top five cars everyone can afford without spending a fortune. Let's go!

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Evolving Trends in Chiropractic and Diagnostic Imaging

February 12, 2022 - Reading time: 6 minutes

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Chiropractic and Diagnostic Imaging

Back and neck pains are chiropractic domains(1). Chiropractic (manual therapy) deals with the spine structure’s realignment to address functional impairments, muscle weakness, and pain(2).

Doctors examine the spinal column and base their diagnosis through imaging tests, such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), radiography or X-ray, and CT (computed tomography) scan(3).

Chiropractic adjustments can help correct the body’s alignment, relieve pain, and promote healthy body function(4). These adjustments alleviate muscle and joint pains, headache, neck pain, and low back pain(5).

Chiropractors use manual treatment methods and do not prescribe medication for any conditions.

Some of the chiropractic treatments that are used involve sustained pressure on particular joints and stretching in improving joint motion and function(6).

Chiropractors use therapies, stretching, and exercises to relieve spasms, relax tight muscles, improve mobility and range of motion, and release body tensions(7).

These treatment methods are done through the use of gentle but quick hand thrust(8). An assessment that involves diagnostic imaging must be done to verify the spine’s condition before going through these treatments.

Radiography is said to offer superior results compared to other primal treatments(9). X-ray licensure for the ownership and use of the machine has been attained by chiropractors since 1910(10).

However, some people have criticized the exposure in spinal radiography(11).

In the last 30 years, the management and diagnosis of spinal pain changed from a static mechanical model (X-ray) to a patient-centered model that increased the awareness of the risk of X-rays in evaluating spinal pain(12).

Currently, 8% to 84% of patients continue to use X-rays for chiropractic consultations(13).

A study conducted in 2012 reported that chiropractor’s diagnostic imaging use is influenced by several factors, such as social influences, belief about X-ray capabilities, knowledge, and professional role and capabilities(14).

Even so, due to the positive evolution of diagnostic imaging, various trends arise.

The Evolving Trends

  • Digital Imaging Tests

        At present, X-ray is not the only imaging modality that can be used for chiropractic evaluations.

Diagnostic imaging assessments are now made easier with digital imaging that allows chiropractors to take images, adjust if needed, and send them to a radiologist for interpretation.

The move from radiographic imaging to digital imaging benefits patients by having quicker diagnosis and treatment plans while putting up with less radiation exposure.

According to a study on the advantages of digital radiography, switching to digital from film radiography may improve diagnosis due to the readily available and more objective data(15).

  • Chiropractic Training in Diagnostic Imaging

        Chiropractors need to pass the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) test to ensure that they have the requisite knowledge and skills to perform their functions safely and effectively(16).

Due to the transition from film to digital diagnostic imaging, Part IV of the NBCE exam was revised.

An evaluation study in The Journal of Chiropractic Education in 2020 reported that the transition to digital diagnostic imaging in the chiropractic board exam relied on empirical research, was well thought through, and aligned with the US chiropractic curricula(17).

This study has significant implications for the further development of the additional skill set of chiropractic students and faculty in digital diagnostic imaging.

The extensive training that the chiropractors undergo today includes bone and soft tissue X-ray (radiography), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and computed tomography (CT) scan.

Continuous chiropractic training ensures that chiropractors perform updated diagnostic imaging practices.

However, some chiropractors still refer patients to imaging centers to diagnose and plan treatment for their conditions.

  • Diagnostic Imaging Options

        Recently, there have been chiropractic imaging recommendations for evaluating the spine aside from plain film radiology.

A study recommended some diagnostic imaging modalities that may be helpful in the practice of chiropractic treatment. These techniques include the following(18):

Full Spine Radiography

        This radiograph type shows the whole spine that has been a vital diagnostic tool until today(19). However, full-spine radiography has garnered several criticisms over the years due to its radiation exposure.

Various developments have made this imaging technique effective and safe. Full-spine radiography is helpful in spinal alignment (scoliosis), postural disorders, and routine screening of chiropractic patients(20).

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

        The use of MRI can be an inexpensive, specific, and sensitive method of analyzing changes in bone structure(21). Magnetic fields and radio waves help produce body structure images.

This diagnostic test is used with an intravenous contrast, which gives a clearer picture of the body’s bone structures(22).

Epidural scarring can be differentiated from residual disc material when MRI is performed in postoperative patients.

Computed Tomography (CT) Scan

        The CT scan is often used to evaluate trauma(23). This diagnostic modality can also view the spinal column and distinguish lesions in the intradural and epidural space(24).

Even though these modalities show promise in the future of chiropractic treatment, further research is still needed.

By Fay Smith


  1. Ernst, E., (May 2008), Chiropractic: A Critical Evaluation, retrieved from
  2. Oakley, P. A., Cuttler, J. M., & Harrison, D. E. (2018). X-Ray Imaging is Essential for Contemporary Chiropractic and Manual Therapy Spinal Rehabilitation: Radiography Increases Benefits and Reduces Risks. Dose-response : a publication of International Hormesis Society, 16(2), 1559325818781437.
  3. Rubin, M., (February 2020), Overview of Spinal Cord Disorders, retrieved from,-spinal-cord,-and-nerve-disorders/spinal-cord-disorders/overview-of-spinal-cord-disorders
  4. Cleaveland Clinic, (n.d.), Chiropractic Adjustment, retrieved from
  5. Ibid.
  6. NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, (n.d.), Chiropractic: In Depth, retrieved from
  7. Cleaveland Clinic, Op. Cit.
  8. NIH, Op. Cit.
  9. Oakley, P. A., Op. Cit
  10. Jenkins, H. J., Downie, A. S., Moore, C. S., & French, S. D. (2018). Current evidence for spinal X-ray use in the chiropractic profession: a narrative review. Chiropractic & manual therapies, 26, 48.
  11. Oakley, P. A., Op. Cit.
  12. Jenkins, H. J., Op. Cit.
  13. Ibid.
  14. Bussières, A.E., Patey, A.M., Francis, J.J. et al. Identifying factors likely to influence compliance with diagnostic imaging guideline recommendations for spine disorders among chiropractors in North America: a focus group study using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Implementation Sci 7, 82 (2012).
  15. van der Stelt PF. Better imaging: the advantages of digital radiography. J Am Dent Assoc. 2008 Jun;139 Suppl:7S-13S. doi: 10.14219/jada.archive.2008.0357. PMID: 18539866.
  16. Himelfarb, I., Seron, M. A., et. al., (March 2020), The transition to digital presentation of the diagnostic imaging domain of the Part IV examination of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, retrieved from
  17. Ibid.
  18. Schultz, G., Phillipps, R. D., Cooley, J., et. al., (n.d.), Diagnostic Imaging of the Spine in Chiropractic Practice: Recommendations for Utilisation, retrieved from
  19. Ibid.
  20. Ibid.
  21. Ibid.
  22. Ibid.
  23. Ibid.
  24. Ibid.

Discovering what are REED courses

February 6, 2022 - Reading time: 5 minutes

What is REED?

REED is an organization that gives job opportunities for professionals, employers, companies and agencies in the online world. With its wide impact worldwide, it started offering REED courses for those who wishes to acquire new knowledge and skills. This will be beneficial for you if you are starting or planning for career advancement. REED courses offer 40,000 specializations in different fields. You have wide range of choices on what career path you’ll be taking.

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Ensuring Business Continuity Using Cloud Management

January 29, 2022 - Reading time: 3 minutes

A business requires various resources like technology, infrastructure and staff. In this information age, it is essential for organisations to also focus on the technological front for the success of their business.

Although modern technology is undoubtedly one of the core aspects of success, an unexpected scenario, like a sudden threat, may break your organisation in seconds.

For this reason, it's crucial to invest in a cloud management device to safeguard your data. In addition, enlisting the expertise of online marketing agents may help ensure business continuity.

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How to restore Wikipedia articles marked for deletion

January 16, 2022 - Reading time: 4 minutes

It is often not surprising to see a Wikipedia article marked for removal by Wikipedia administrators. A growing activity amongst the editors of Wikipedia is focused on removing content following the "notability" guidelines for external references. An information box called “Speedy deletion” at the top of a Wikipedia article tells that the article will disappear from Wikipedia without any discussion. Another information box may have this message: “This article is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy”. You may (and should!) participate in the discussion to keep such articles but, in practice, there are too few participants on the discussion page that make any significant positive impact on “collective” decision making; most of the participated users will be Wikipedia power-editors who will not be on your side since they have already made their mind on first place when adding such information boxes.

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Types of search queries

December 24, 2021 - Reading time: 6 minutes

Having entered the phrase into the search line, a person wants to find the necessary information, buy a product, order a service, chat or watch a broadcast. Search engines, in turn, try to provide the most relevant pages of sites. In this article, we will look at the main types of search queries.

In 2017, Google disclosed the approximate number of processed requests: there are at least 2 trillion of them per year, or about 63 thousand requests per second, of which about 15% are previously unknown requests.

There are a lot of requests and their number is growing every second. But why and who needs this information? This article will be useful for beginner SEOs and business owners. For the first, it will help in drawing up the semantic core of the site and distributing requests across pages, for the second - for a basic understanding of what requests their site can appear in search results and to control their promotion contractor.

Request intent

To begin with, it should be clear that each request corresponds to a specific intent. What is it? The intent is the user's need. There are requests with a precise need, for example, "taxi washington". It is clear here that a person needs to call a taxi and get from point “A” to point “B”. But if he simply enters “taxi” into the search engine, then perhaps, instead of ordering a service, he wanted to watch the movie “Taxi”.

Search query classification

By frequency:

  • High-frequency (HF) queries are usually key in a niche and consist of 1-2 words. As a rule, it is quite difficult to bring them to the TOP due to high competition, especially in large cities. To advance to the first positions for such keywords, it is necessary to develop the site on all fronts: here is the technical part, excellent usability, and a high-quality link profile - in everything you need to be better than your competitors.
  • Medium-frequency (MF) queries give less traffic, but are also more targeted. Usually they include up to 4-5 words and lead to the pages of sections and subsections of the site. They have a higher conversion compared to HF requests.
  • Low-frequency (LF) queries are the most rarely requested phrases, usually consisting of 4-5 words. They are the easiest and cheapest to promote in organic and paid search. Many SEOs refuse such requests due to the fact that they will not bring a lot of traffic to the site. But you should always remember that they are the most converting ones.

By the competitiveness of the request:

  • Highly competitive (HC) requests
  • Medium Competitive (MC) queries
  • Low Competitive (LC) Requests

The competitiveness of the request shows how difficult it will be to move the page to the TOP of the search results. There is no specific formula for this indicator; each SEO specialist chooses the most suitable calculation method for himself (KEI, third-party services).

By geo-dependency of the request:

  • Geo-dependent. Are not geo-referenced within the query itself and the results are generated based on the user's location. A trivial example is “to cure a tooth inexpensively”. For a user from New York, an issue with New York dentistry will be shown, for a person from Chicago - with Chicago clinics.
  • Geo-independent. Queries without reference to a region (since this region is already specified in the query), the search results will not depend on the user's location. Examples of queries: “how to fix a refrigerator”, “how to cook a cheesecake” and commercial ones like “cure a tooth in DC” In this case, the issue for a person, wherever he is, will be approximately the same.

By business value:

  • Commercial queries are the most favorite queries in SEO-promotion of sites for goods and services. Examples: “iphone13 price”, “order contextual advertising” and similar. These are the “hottest” requests with high conversion, a person enters them into the search when he already knows the intention to purchase something. Signs of commercial inquiries:
    - There are marker words - “buy”, “price”, “order”;
    - There is a bundle of product/service + toponym - "Ferrari rental near me", "exotic car rental Dubai". As you see there is no need to insert extra words like your address or prepositions. Just what you search for and where – this is how you’ll get results on how to get the most luxury driving experience, what models are included into the sportscar category, and which VIP cars are now available for renting. The smart algorithm will search everything for you.
    - When analyzing SERPs in a search engine, almost the entire TOP will be occupied by commercial sites;
  • Information requests (or non-commercial) - requests that are entered without the desire to buy/acquire something. Examples: “iphone 13 pros and cons”, “how to set up contextual advertising”. Such requests will bring additional traffic to the site, and some of the visitors may become potential buyers in the future. In addition, through informational articles, you can show your expertise and gain trust in absentia.


  • Seasonal requests - requests, the frequency of which depends on the time / season. Example: “gifts for the new year”. Seasonality can be tracked using Google Trends.
  • Off-season requests - requests for goods / services, the demand for which is kept at the same level. Examples: “buy a watch”, “buy a hard drive”.

Other types of requests:

  • Generalqueries are high frequency monosyllabic queries, for example, “coffee”, “book”, “laptop”. It is not clear from them what the user would like to know: the cost of a laptop in an online store or an article on how to choose one. For such general phrases, they are purposefully not promoted either in SEO or in contextual advertising , because in terms of the amount it will come out very costly, and the conversion will be very low.
  • Transactionalrequests are requests by entering which the user wants to perform a certain action. Examples are “buy a Christmas tree”, “download a Muse album”. Very often, transactional and commercial requests overlap.
  • Navigationqueries are queries that are entered when they want to get to a specific site. Examples: “shop apple how to get there”, “zara address”.
  • Vitalqueries can be classified as a type of navigation query. They consist of only one word - the brand name, without additional explanatory words. The goal is to bring it to the official website of the company.
  • Media queries - queries to find media content. Typically these phrases contain the words “photo,” “video,” “clip,” and other markers.

The classification of search queries into different types is convenient not only for SEO specialists, but also for search engines, as it allows you to make the search results more relevant and form the most accurate answer to the query.

Author: Evelina Brown