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About Encyclosphere

Encyclopedias Networks

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The encyclosphere is a universal network of encyclopedias<ref>The official web page of (retrieved Dec 2020) that gives an equal voice in expressing knowledge, and in rating those expressions of knowledge. The encyclosphere is not an encyclopedia; rather, it is a network of encyclopedic content. The encyclosphere is to encyclopedias what the blogosphere is to blogs.


Images can be included as shown below:

Encyclosphere logo

One can also show images with image captions:

Fig. 1: This is a logo of EncycloED

The Dokuwiki image can be seen in figure 1.


The encyclosphere article may have references. The standard style is to use “Harvard” styling for citations (Andrew Hunt; David Thomas, 1999, pp.352) or the usual style (Donald Knuth, Jan 1985) another example (Donald Knuth, 1997)

Encyclosphere has been brought into existence by the Knowledge Standards Foundation, which will facilitate the creation of the necessary standards. The encyclosphere was invented in response to problems.

Proposed concept

As it is planned, the encyclosphere will allow writers and publishers to post feeds of encyclopedia articles (or metadata about articles, and ratings of articles). App developers would be able to collect the data from all of those feeds and use the data to construct massive search engines, and other neat features, for all the encyclopedia articles in the world. No one app would be privileged, but all would tap into—and help build—a “knowledge commons.” Ultimately there would be a massive knowledge competition to best express human knowledge on every topic and from every point of view.


$$ F(x) = \int^a_b \frac{1}{3}x^3 $$

This equation is well known. We simply test MathML parsing.

Showing program code

One can also use code snippets in your articles. This is Java example:

simple example

#include java.lang;
JFrame= new JFrame("test")

without title (for python)

from math import *

This code does not belong to any language:

 if (!$lang) $lang = NULL;

or for files:


 some text 


1. ^ Andrew Hunt; David Thomas, 1999. The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN 0-201-61622-X.
2. ^ Donald Knuth, Jan 1985. Deciphering a linear congruential encryption. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 31(1), IEEE, pp.49-52, ISSN 0018-9448.
3. ^ Donald Knuth, 1997. Arts of Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms. Third Edition. Addison-Wesley, xiv + 762 pp., ISBN 0-201-89684-2.